Epsilon C5I, Inc. is a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc.

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Sustainment & Support

Epsilon C5I, Inc. provides full life-cycle support with leading-edge sustainment methods and techniques.

Epsilon C5I’s engineering capability incorporates the complete development life-cycle phases: requirement gathering and analysis, design, code and unit testing, software integration, verification and validation testing, deployment, and maintenance. We reinforce these processes with a bedrock of planning documents including program management, systems engineering, quality assurance, CM, risk management, software test and data management plans (aligned to Software Development Plans [SDPs] as necessary). Regardless of our task, we always align our work efforts to the systems engineering ‘V’.

Epsilon C5I’s engineering approach for software design and development consist of close collaboration between systems and software engineers to ensure products meet system specifications. We focus our efforts on an engineering process where we:

  • Analyze Requirements: Understand system requirements and integration points, employ use-case analysis, data flow diagrams, and other analysis methods to decompose the problem, identify risks, and propose systems/software changes.
  • Develop Requirements Specifications: Develop a requirements model ensuring capture of metrics, key performance parameters, and other requirements in our testing processes.
  • Plan – Design – Implement – Test – (PDIT) Software Incorporate end-user specifications to ensure operational concepts are traced to requirements, architected, designed, and documented. Utilize a unique scenario-based testing process while validating Computer Software Configuration Items (CSCIs).
  • Integration and Integration Testing: Build our integration and testing process in a continuous integration environment using advanced automation tools such as Maven, Jenkins, Bamboo, and TeamCity.
  • Operations and Maintenance: Support our software utilizing a life-cycle configuration process allowing dynamic, corrective changes and enhancements to fielded software based on technical analysis, requirements, information assurance, and user change requests.

Epsilon C5I’s program engineering and Agile software development process is a combination of the best of iterative and incremental models as a foundation, promoting a lighter, more user-centric delivery than most traditional approaches. The adaptability of the Agile process allows our customers to implement changes when unpredicted challenges arise, enabling dynamic software development. Agile software development adopts a practical approach, focusing on maximizing team attributes to deliver quickly and respond to emerging requirements to provide:

  • Continuous, interactive, and short time interval development
  • Frequent and continuous user and customer feedback
  • Exceptional team communication and collaboration
  • Rapid response and adaptation to issues throughout the product life cycle
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) with an emphasis on automation
  • Metrics-driven management

Whether stand-alone or part of a blended solution, when Instructor-Led Training (ILT) is a customer requirement, Epsilon C5I has expertise in:

  • Knowledge Management: We offer solutions designed to help learners efficiently share knowledge and collaborate in a secure environment.
  • eLearning Development: We transform complex information into interactive coursework that engages learners. Whether online training, blended solutions, or ILT presentations, our design team can develop a custom curriculum for maximum performance or convert existing material into the latest, most efficient learning platform.
  • Simulation, Virtual-Augmented-Mixed Reality: Immersive learning technologies are cutting-edge methods for delivering simulated training environments or skills. We are developing virtual training systems for military applications and increasing the focus on this learning methodology through the introduction of Epsilon XR, a division of Epsilon Systems that centralizes our Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality technologies.
  • Electronic Classroom: We transform static desktops into secure, digital workspaces that can be delivered on demand. Provision virtual or remote desktops and applications through a single Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and app virtualization platform to streamline management and easily entitle end users.
  • Custom Training Equipment: We design and manufacture Partial Task Trainers (PTT) and Technical Training Equipment (TTE) to augment virtual training, which enhances the learning experience by giving students the opportunity for hands-on experience.